I think everyday about what it must be like to be normal, to conform to the standards that society has molded and expects us to follow. Go to church, bedtime before midnight, studying for exams. But those are just flashes, and i go back to being me

Thursday 24 March 2011

Stuck in Soweto

Sadly many people have succumbed to a certain frame of mind which leads to a lot of fuckery and ujinga-ism. This is very rampant in this country we live in. Yes I’m talking about none other than beautiful Kenya. Actually scratch that; make it the whole of Africa. I find it very alarming, the rate at which it affects the way people go about their businesses. The Soweto state of mind... yes poverty mentality as Tony (@weka_tyre) so angrily puts it
People have this idea that without money, the world comes to a standstill. Case in point, have you ever seen someone experience more anguish at loosing 10bob than gaining 100ksh or seen someone drive 10mins in the CBD hoping to find ‘Free Parking’ and in the process burn bout 300ksh worth of fuel and still end up paying the 300ksh parking fee? This is now people making decisions based on fear or the avoidance of failure.  When do people realize that making decisions which are fear based rather than prosperity driven will only lead to more anguish? It just doesn’t make sense to me.
Poverty Mentality
I think Tony would agree with me on this one, when i say i hate, emphasis on the HATE it when poverty mentality manifests itself where people expect shit to be done for them. Exchuse me please! Just coz i was blessed with richer parents doesn’t mean i owe humanity any favours. I HATE IT when people think because they did me a service then i “owe them” some sort of financial reward, nigga please... When someone asks you for 1000ksh, they probably need it, if they take 10bob on the other hand; they are probably suffering in “Soweto”. The notion that the rich have to give to the poor simply because they’re rich... hakuna ki-robin hood hapa... if you want me to give you any sort of financial gratification for your service then tell me before hand that you gonna charge for that service... do not claim to be helping me out by doing me a favour then expect a “Kitu Kidogo” package thereafter.. Not gonna happen... Expecting manna from heaven will only get you in a deeper situation than you already are... Moving on swiftly...
Poverty Mentality
 Poverty is not the absence of money and things; it’s a mindset so also prosperity is not the abundance of things... It’s also a mindset. It’s all about perceptions. The fact that i get treated differently because you think i don’t fit the profile of the rich is ludicrous... @Ch1ps_beba can testify to this. Because i don’t wear stunnaz to a night club, sport all sorts of jewellery, rock supras or pull up in my *insert flashy car* don’t mean i don’t have the financial means to get into that club and enrich your pockets. I will Jav to ‘wastelands’  in my Black T-Shirt and Nike Trainers only for me to be harassed in Rezoraus or Red Tape because you think I’m a broke ass?
Poverty Mentality
 The fact that we let poverty define who we are sickens me, the fact that we are so mesmerized and infatuated with the lifestyle of the rich and famous instead of focusing on uplifting ourselves really disgusts me. The fact that Kenyans spend so much time discussing and analyzing how this MP bought a Hummer Jeep or how that Minister has a private jet rather than using that time to better use is really baffling. The fact that our local media, dedicate so much airtime to the activities and businesses of the so-called rich and famous, leaves a lot to be desired. In a country apparently ravaged with poverty, in a country where the average pay per day is less than $1 and you keep showing their lifestyles, how do you think the common wananchi feels?
Poverty Mentality
 The fact that we’d rather gratify a lazy, obnoxious, self-centred spoilt brat because we admire his lifestyle and condemn a downright street hustler who wakes up at 4am every day and has to navigate his way through thika road jam just to me early for his 9-5 just to make ends meet, is testament to the fact that we are slaves to our own fascination of western values, hence poverty mentality.
If you take this too personal, then Screw your feelings...


  1. Screw yo feelings too :D I like ur passion. hehe...

  2. Holllllllllllllllllllllerrrrrrrrr

  3. And why did it take you so long to start a blog? Screw Your Feelings. love it. :)

  4. Zain i've just been lazy :-)its sooo much work

    Nei... feel free to email me your bitch sessions from maputo

    Gladys it wouldnt be me without the occasional bitch fit would it lol. thanks though
